First look at the Devil Riders
Posted: 22 October 2011 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Well, I took a closer look at the Devil Riders. Except for a broken fuse clip the power supply is in good shape. I don’t know yet if I’m going to replace the connectors to the originals or if I’m going to leave the new ones. Depends on how easy it will be to find new ones I guess.
The CPU seems to boot as well, at least the LED comes on after a short while. I’ll be getting some 2764 EPROMs next week so I can do some thorough testing. I’ve removed the battery. Didn’t have any vinegar handy, will clean up tomorrow.
In the mean time I started converting one of the 8-digit display drive boards I got from the guy who sold me the ZM1550’s for the Pinball Champ to work with LED 7-segment displays and 5V only (see Leon’s site for a how to). This will allow me to work on the CPU boards outside of the machines as I won’t need the 160V for the original displays.
I’ve also had a closer look at the playfield and noticed that the paint damage around the 3,000 insert is due to the insert having dropped down a few milimeters. This will have to be fixed.
Tomorrow I start desoldering the components off the Pinball Champ CPU board… wish me patience 😉